Fat Bottomed Girl

Trying to get down to the heart of the matter...

Okay so I am trying to reenergize my fitness goals and determination. I signed up for Prescott Adventure Boot Camp. So far I am really enjoying it and I do feel that it is helping. I really like being committed to something- I paid for this, people expect me to be there and wonder when I'm not, and I am told what to do vs. trying to figure it out for myself. I'm learning a lot.

Being active is fun, but sometimes the simpliest task is so difficult. I easily find myself giving up when the going gets tought, but more importantly I find myself eating when the going gets tough.

My honest reasons for wanting to shed the pounds:
-Not ALWAYS finishing last, and not always having to catch up
-Shaking my ass
-Clothes shopping
-Remembering to breathe
-Bathing suits
-Pool and beach time

So I can tell my inner demons to SHUT UP


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