It's not about you. It's not about me. It's about the future.

Summer 2010 excitement, plans, and goals
• Fall in love with being active in my body- Granite Dells, Lynx Lake, around town, bicycling, Fossil Creek
• Get tan in San Diego
• Be a BAMF student teacher with AAA
• Complete my SEIs
• Revamp a passion for: knitting and scrapbooking
• Read A LOT- so many good books lying around not being utilized!
• Journal
• Be with Chelsea
• See McMommy
• Drink good wine
• Spend time with my Grandmother
• Sing my heart out at St. Patrick’s,
o soak in some incense mingled in with that good ole southern hospitality
• Eat well
• Beat Dad in a scrabble game
• Become more tan in Memphis
• Go canoeing- hmmm, but how?
• Visit Kiwani
• Sleep!
• JLOW- year seven
• Address facebook addiction
• Play in the rain
• Get back to my flower child roots
• Build a campfire
• Smell like wood smoke
• Cry
• Rejuvenate
• Visit Yellowstone
• Meet-up with Mia somewhere
• Swim in the ocean (maybe?)
• Make a POA for year four (the big finale) in college- the rock star list!
• Breathe deeply
• Learn to play the harmonica
• Listen to good tunes
• Take care of all the bureaucracy bullshit too
• Complete at least one item on my “bucket” list

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