
I often am way critical of myself and spend time day dreaming of the "what ifs" the "when..." and of a better life in general. But the truth is I have it pretty damn good and I need to remind myself that even though I am not perfect and life will never be perfect I have a lot of good to be thankful for. So this year I am thankful for...

*good friends-- I have some of the best friends in the world. They tell me when I am being too fastidious, they get me out of the house and into a bit of "trouble," they'll let me call at any time just to talk and catch up, they send me letters or messages of hope and love, and they are a hell of a lot of fun. Thank you.

*a good family-- Thank you.

* a good school-- PC, with all of its bureaucracy bullshit, is an incredible institution that has pushed me to be a better student, activist, and well-rounded, whole person. Thank you. I can't imagine my life without you.

*phenomenal, strong-willed, independent women-- Thank you for letting me learn and grow with you

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