Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Cookies!

- Try saying that 5 times fast.

Here's a new invention, and it is delicious!

1c Chocolate Peanut Butter
1 egg
1 c sugar (or 1/2c sugar, 1/2 c brown sugar-- experiment with what you like)
1/2 c pretzel pieces
**For Gluten Free recipes use Glutino Pretzels or eliminate Pretzels altogher and just enjoy Chocolate Peanut Butter cookies.

Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit. In a large mixing bowl mix peanut butter, egg, and sugar. Add pretzel bits and stir. Drop by teaspoon fulls on to un-greased cookie sheet. Add whole pretzel to the top for decoration or using a fork make a criss-cross pattern on the top of each cookie. Bake for 8-10 minutes. Cool for 2 minutes and serve.

Some alternatives:
Use almond chocolate butter
Use plain peanut or almond butter and add chocolate chips
Add peanut butter chips
Use your wild imagination

The ingredients that make it all so tasty...

Farm Fresh Eggs.

My favorite new discovery.

I prefer the Almond but accidentally bought Peanut and must say it is pretty good too.

The silly note I left my roommates after the first batch. They are a big hit and loved by all!

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