Happiness Is... J.Low/Summer2012

Spending a few lazy days at Casa Bonita...  Casa Del Fuego!! 
Chopped dinner parties

“Trying so hard to be cute”
Driving to WY sans air conditioning
Hair blowin’ in the wind
The constant noise of air movement
Jimmy Johns reprieve
Late night mountain curves
Switching to the roomy and air conditioned Aldrich Honda
Planning our return trip based on written blogs and historical markers
Abilene, KS and the Eisenhower museum
Divide and conquer AKA quick and dirty museum visits
Arriving at the Conner’s and emptying the fridge
Being invited to UL day… UL in training?
A lazy day of pot pies, target runs, and poorly sung patriotic songs to celebrate the birth of our country
Realizing that between the drive to the airport, the flight, layovers, and wait time it would have been quicker to drive
Late nights in Hot Springs, AR
Ladies’ lunch
Rehearsal dinner and drinks
Pedicure parties
Mimosa’s and hair dos
Honey biscuits
Supporting your friend in opening the next exciting chapter in her life
Partying with your girl scout friends
Happy trails to you mix bar
Nervously buying cutters
The mullet stage
Jumping in the pool and having a bit of hair float off you
Sleeping in the Outpost
Starbucks and Sonic runs from various camp visitors
“Move girls, get out the way! Get out the way ladies! Get out the ways!” or
“Move gals, get out of bed! Get out of bed ladies! Get out of bed!”Gold t-shirt day 2012
“It takes a strong, sassy, and confident woman to cut her hair off”
New campers
Stacy Shanks’s new silliness
Ella’s hugs and smile
The swing and hammock
Resist dye
Dealing with the drama lama
Hobbes hair sticking straight out
Jumping in the pool
Underwater photos

Belly floppy disastrously
Purposefully moving the song area
Baked potato bar
My backs a breaking…
“Big Booty Judy”
The pool house mice
Scaring Viola
Finally getting mid-session break only to spend 2 hours getting to the Conners
T-rex café commemorative margarita glass
Being notoriously late on our day off
Hotdog jewelry bag
Harry Potter night
Flooring the golf cart
Stuffed French toast perfection
The firefighters hosing us down
Losing my breathe in the freezing 7000 gallons of water
Night hiking
Game show night
Failing at pulling pranks
Session 2 outpost campers
Teaching archery
Helping campers make good choices
Pulling a “rock” out of the pool
Pouring rain
Rolling thunder
Captain annoying and searching for our food in the woods
Making pudding cups
Annie in the Outpost shed
Perfect morning cookouts
Square dance
Polar bear swims and tasty apples in the pool
“we survived the rain, we survived the rain” dance
Shit no one says recordings
Water beach ball with the lifeguards
Being honest even if it opens multiple cans of worms
Moon lit skinny dipping
Long afternoon swims when I am supposed to be working
Watching counselors blossom
I wove the wabbitsssss
Daisy toe tattoos
Crashing boy scout camp
“viable options”
The infinity pool
Goofy face book messages
Precious moments shot glasses
Chrystal bridges porn star museum
Breakfast with Mary
The discovery of bank deposits via Iphones
Spending quality time with quality people

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