Summer 08 Rambling...

I'm spending the next two weeks in AZ on "my own." It is interesting to fill the quiet space with my own thoughts and fears. I must admit that I have freaked out at least 8 times since being here, and I have been nervous to do the simplest things. I have procrastinated terribly, preferring to sit and watch a move versus being productive with all the things I need to accomplish in the upcoming weeks, but I really appreciate the time to do nothing but lounge and listen to music. Don't get me wrong, I am also boot camping it up as well, and I literally burst into tears of joy this morning when I finished my first of twenty workouts that I will do with PABC. I don't know if I can explain the joy and happiness I get from a really good workout. Being honest, at 5:29 am I will swear that this was the worst idea I've ever had, but time and time again by 6:30 I'm grinning from ear to ear.
My time spent by myself is treating me well thus far. I can honestly say that I feel like I'm healing and getting to know myself in more ways than one. I can only hope that I don't drive myself crazy.

Endless thoughts... and pointless blogging... summer 08!

Oh and JLOW... there are never enough eloquent words to describe my love for the hot summer days spent there so I will simply allow my photos (well a very few of them) to speak for me...

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