JLOW 2009 Happiness is…

• Driving to MO with the darling Hayley
• Trying to buy a Bin Laden condom
• Sikeston, MO Subway employees at the “world’s smallest Subway”
• MO July 4th celebrations/after the wedding day fun
• Mullet margaritas
• Getting out of the pool, helping others get out of the pool after a few mullet margaritas
• Breathalyzers
• Bra size discussions with Nutmeg... and Joel?
• Sharing a bed with 2 other people and a room with 4 others
• Diva= a female version of a hustler
• That’s What She Said moments (Xs a million, at least)
• Kim Flynn
• The country club
• Using your etiquette training
• Cauliflower aka Cluster fuck
• “I’d host scouts but I’m afraid of having girls in my house with my 26 year old son still living there.” –CF “Okay…” –Me
• “You probably know me as the one who screws all the paperwork up.”-CF “Uh….” -Me
• The Jo Bros bedroom with a speck or two of WW Smack down paraphernalia
• Bamboo as my PC
• Outpost
• Boy Scout cooking demos
• The audacity of caveman steak
• Raspberry smores
• Hobo stew
• Broadcasting/Broadway-ing?
• Not seeing a mountain lion
• Small but mighty first session
• Vita gummies
• At least 1500 milligrams of vitamin C per day
• Not having Swine flu
• B12 vs. bug spray
• Small but mighty outpost
• 1st session sticker charts
• “This/That is not an option however you may choose A or B, or I will choose for you.” –Me
• Morning stretches and morning meetings with OP campers
• Jello and Lita visits
• Snow cones
• Chopper mail
• Mail. Period.
"You have jizz on your face."
• Killing my first hoe
• Color Wars- “Sounds like gang mentality.”- Rover
• Wiggle. Wiggle. Wiggle.
• Go-go aprons
• Fail blog bumpers
• Searching for a diva cup
• Harry Potter 6
• New Campers
• Fortune telling with Nutmeg
• Bump its
• Bridget Carlson’s family
• Surviving rain storms
• Raindrop sounds on the top of your tent
• “Would you rather…”
• Beautiful if a bit scary lightning
• The Magic Bullet
• The poop log, rarely solid
• Canoeing in the pool/flipping the canoe
• Not puking in the pool
• Lysoling the OP enough to kill small children
• Archery- popping balloons
• Sequoia visits and Starbucks at rest hour
• Luau night
• Attempting to hula hoop
• Hoedown Throw down disaster
• Looking like a pumpkin
• Garden stories• Ashlees’ imagination
• Stacy saying your name or saying “Am boo boo” for Bamboo
• Awkward high fives with LG Jeff cause Stacy insinuated that the two of you were having a baby
• Tub of love
• Cold mornings- needing your jacket
• 2nd session cookouts- everyday!
• Beautiful weather everyday!
• Morning meetings and stories with the army of happy items
• Using the army to stop homesickness
• Brunch day sleeping in
• Giggle so hard that you cry at dinner because no one understand the innuendos being used at the table
• The death stare
• The blue t-shirt photo shoot
• Plunging lessons/adventures with Hobbes
• Baby Milo
• Deciding that you can put off showering for one more day because your hair is braided
• “Elmo if you eat this disgusting item I will buy you a lot of drinks.”
• Unit 1 is dynamite!
• Processed meat throwing
• Fancy sauce
• Intense rock paper scissors decision makers
• Missing the salmon surprise
• Puppy chow
• The dirty girls lats mix
• Pop, lock and drop it… Lepi style
• All the JLOW ladies
• Missouri: The show me the butter state
• Dog, Dog cat, Dog cat mouse. Applause!!
• Clean but Wet. Da Unit 2009
• Precious moments shot glasses
• How many “that’s what she said”s can we pick out of the tour guide’s talk?
• The Wilder home
• Peaches with Grandma
• “Those are freckles, just like girls all the pretty ones have them”- Gma
• Finally becoming a diva
• Intended for Pleasure reading
• The Peabody ducks
• Graceland
• Snack time
• Strawberry goodness
• Flick Ash
• Finding a tombstone from the revolutionary war
• Canadian salad, threes, hand/foot, etc.
• Learning to knit
• Botanical gardens
• Pete and Sam’s
• Trach the giraffe

• Spending time with good people... Ahh, summer 2009.

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