So for one of my classes this semester we are supposed to complete "What I've learned Observations" aka WILOs. I really liked my first one-

It is difficult to claim “one thing” as something I have learned and/or am learning outside of the context of a classroom setting. As it should be- I am constantly learning! Currently, I feel that I am relearning some lifelong lessons on defining who I am. For example, through some of my friends’ actions I am seeing who I am not therefore defining me. Most recently this has led to the burning of some bridges, but I guess that too is a necessary process in the creation of my being.
So let’s begin to define me. I am a feminist. This is most recently imperative because at times in my last living situation I would speak up about an issue or current event that really agitated or inspired me and I would almost immediately be shot down with a comment like, “Is this more of your feminist BS?” Due to these comments I now more proudly use the term “feminist,” especially when in the presence of such individuals.
Secondly, I am a loyal (almost to my own demise) friend. Again, this has come into light due to a previous housing situation. I realized that I would blatantly stand-up for someone with whom I respected and valued. Therefore by not standing up for me I must conclude that such individuals did not value or respect me, which now is okay, but can be a tough reality to come to when you live under the same roof.
Third, I am not naive enough to think that love will be found in a bar. This defines me by saying that I have a high standard and expectations for any one I choose to be romantically (at least if it is serious) involved with. This is probably the easiest learning I have done more recently yet some of my friends can’t honestly agree or correlate. I am constantly intrigued by the thoughts my fellow female friends have on how love is found and kept. I don’t align with many forms of conventional or our society’s norms of dating and therefore I don’t believe that love (or at least romantic love) can or is ever found over a few cocktails. If nothing else, I am defining who I seriously contemplate as a partner.
Lastly, I feel that all of my above learning really comes down to the main lessons of transitioning from adolescence to an adult- how scary! I feel that these are all probably typical realizations of a person in my age group and that years from now looking back I’ll laugh at the heightened importance and concentration I have given these lessons. Until then, the idea of adulthood is both terrifying and freeing.

On a completely unrelated note- I did almost 8 (the last one I simply went all the way down... so it is like 7.5) consecutive, full body push-ups today. I hope to enter 2010 with the ability to 50 consecutively and with a little bit of better form than today's. Oh, life!

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