Growing up vs. growing old… what life looks like at 21.5

If there is only one thing that I ask for in my lifetime it is this- to never grow old. I’m not saying that I don’t want to age or that I have this naive thought of some product or river of life existing out in the vast universe that will keep my body from eventually deteriorating and dying. I’m asking the high heavens to keep me from simply giving up on the joy and pain that is living. It seems to me that I know two kinds of people. The ones that bow down when the going gets tough- those grow old. And my dear friends who grow up like plants in the sun. They see harsh realities, many live them, and they choose to continue to grow towards the light, never letting go and giving in. There’s a famous young boy that demands, “I won’t grow up,” and flies away to Never Land, but me? I pray to grow taller, wiser and closer to that eternal sun. I want to face the challenges in life head on and choose to take the high road. Life is a choice and I pray- God, give me the strength to keep the sun in my face and taking steps closer to it every day. And just like the plants the sun will warm me, making only the first hurdle the most difficult. Each moment I climb closer will make me stronger so that I can encourage and show others what it is like to grow up, and never grow old.

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