Super Sweet Potatoes

This year for Thanksgiving I spent quality eating & relaxing time with some of my favorite women- the gals I get to live with on a daily basis AKA Da Dip House. We made some spectacular food and since I am on a mission to cook more for myself and cook more healthy meals(though I'm not sure this particular recipe fits that category) I am going to share a menu item I made that I think you'd enjoy if you try.

Super Sweet Potatoes
5 XL sweet potatoes baked and peeled
1/2 cup of honey nut cream cheese
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup of plain Greek yogurt
3 eggs lightly beaten
2 T of heavy whipping cream
2 T of softened butter
1 T of cinnamon
2 tsp of nutmeg
1 tsp of ginger
1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
dash of salt

Optional: pecans pieces and marshmallows for topping

Bake the sweet potatoes, let them completely cool, and peel. Place all ingredients (other than the potatoes) together in a large mixing bowl and mix really well. Slowly add in potatoes and continue mixing. Transfer to caserole dish and bake at 350F for 30 minutes. ** If adding a topping of marshmallows or pecans take dish out at 20 minutes, add topping, and return to oven for the remaining 10 minutes-- be sure to check that marshmallows are not burning.

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