#32 Get a tattoo

Technically speaking I accomplished this item in August of 2012 with a tiny daisy on my toe. This tattoo represents my wonderful years as a girl scout and working at camp. It is based on a silly camp song we sing that goes like this:

"I've Got A Daisy On My Toe"

I've got a daisy on my toe,
It is not real,
It does not grow.
It's just a tattoo of a flower,
So I'll look cute while taking a shower.
It's on the second toe,
Of my left foot.
A flower and stem,
That has no root. (cause that wouldn't look good)
Pretty daisy on my toe,
My right foot loves,
My left foot toe!

He told me that I have the smallest toes he's ever seen.

I probably should have gotten a pedi before this endeavor. 

Anyway, I also got another tattoo in May of 2014 that counts a bit more, I think. It's the real deal. 

My artist was funny, smart, all around badass. You can learn more about him and see his amazing work here:  http://www.gingerbeardmedia.com
The final product-- Thumb Butte, the pines, and my diamond shape. I'm in love.  

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