#95 The bald and the beautiful.

I shaved my head bald!! It was awesome and as of this posting it was almost exactly two years ago. A day after I was a bridesmaid (July 7th) for my dear friend, Chelsea, I bought some clippers and had my other dear friend, Adrielle, shave my head. Here's the photos of how it all went down.

AAA with the scissors... last chance to change my mind
You can barely see it but the pony tail is in my head. No turning back now.

For fun we went through a few "stages." First up... the mullet. I did not like this stage. 
Next... the rat tail.

Then A stopped to say "it's done," but I wanted shorter. So we kept going... until I said stop! Mostly because I was terribly itchy. 
The next day I "grew" a mustache with all that missing hair. 

A month or so later and I loved it even more.

Shaving my head effected me on a much deeper level than I could have anticipated. While I was at camp it was just a "silly thing," a check on my bucket list. I was in a safe place where no one looks their best; everyone shines with sweat and oil. One parent at camp commented "it takes a fierce woman to rock that hair cut." Much later, especially during some odd growing back phases, I really had to hold on to this sentiment. When I  had long hair I had a few men (who I just so happen to have deep crushes on) in my life who loved it. They wanted to stroke my hair, twirl it, made flattering comments, etc.  My friends would comment on their desire to have my luscious locks. With it gone I had to revaluate some things. I had to focus on different aspects of my beauty. I love my smile, my lips, my round cheeks, my brown eyes. I especially like how the last photo captures a moment of deep laughter and showcases my other beautiful features. I had to find these things with my short, awkward, Christopher Walken phase. 

Lastly, I also wanted to shave my head to honor my Aunt Carol who at the time was fighting her way through cancer. About 6 weeks after shaving my head she passed and I feel immensely connected to her and my family. Lots of love, Carol. 

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