American Woman

Let's just rant so I can get this off my chest...

You, my dear, are indescribable.
You say that you are a feminist, an environmentalist, and all the other wonderful hippie things you see yourself as. I sorry but you don't walk the walk.
I am so annoyed by you.
You hate your body and it is completely in shape.
You devalue your body more than I do and I weight 280+! You are what 130- not even??
You dress slutty to impress guys and some of them are highly entertained, but then you complain when you are feel as if you are only in a relationship "for the sex."
I tell myself that I want the attention that you get, but really I'm embarrassed for you and I want to attract a man for more than my ass.
You are willing to do just about anything for a guy to notice you. You are making an ASS out of yourself. He told you that he is in love with someone else and isn't attracted to you. Grinding him when he's drunk doesn't gain you any points. It just makes you look like you have no self respect! FIND SOME!
You are obnoxiously loud.
You have no idea how wealthy you are.
Most of us don't just buy designer clothing on a whim.
I'm sorry to lay this all out with no warning, but I'm sick of it.

And yet... incredibly ... jealous.

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