
Cheetos, baskin robins (2 scoops), chocolate, Coke (the real sugar kind), beer, vodka, and menstrual cramps- sums up my weekend. Oh, and dancing my ass off (seriously, enough dancing to rule out the beer and vodka calories...)
I want school to be OVER.
I dont' want to do my overdue homework.
I don't want to think about my 3 projects, 4 papers, portfolio building, and more soon to be due school work.
I don't want to hike the Dells.
I don't want to wake-up at 5 mother fucking AM so I can go workout.
I don't want to think about taxes,FAFSA, small claims courts, job interviews, lack of money, over due library fees, overdrawn bank accounts, or any form of 'paperwork.'
I don't want to clean my room, the dishes, or the house.
I dont' want to feel guilty for not cleaning.
I don't want to have to worry any more about the health of my car... please, don't die anytime soon.
I don't want to ask for more money, or ask for the first bit of money.
I don't want to hear you have sex ... seriously, shut up!
I dont' want to be judged in this funk- by myself or anyone else.

I want to catch up and finish my homework in order to feel accomplished.
I want to do damn good on my projects.
I want to make good grades.
I want to finish all the damn paperwork in the world.
I want to get my paycheck.
I want to have a good enough relationship with you that I can call and ask for help when I need it- I need money, hun.
I want to watch my spending so that I can exert some control over it!
I want to work out and feel good about myself.
I want to stop emotionally eating.
I want to have a successful, relaxing, accomplished, fun, and productive summer- wherever I am, doing whatever I want.
I want to turn up my music to drown out your sex noises... ha... I pray you never read this- no worries I love you anyway. Good for you for getting some!

I want to shake this funk and have some spunk!
Oh my... that was cheesy!

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