"Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm."

It's weird...
Losing weight is weird, being overweight possibly even more so.
I have this odd ability ... ability doesn't describe it... This odd day to day occurrence of finding myself to be extremely beautiful. Seriously, I am in fact gorgeous, and I don't feel the need to convince you of that because I have moments of pure clarity in which I feel it deeply... and yet I despise having to show my face to anyone outside of the people with whom I would trust my life to. I love myself and truly believe that I am beautiful in my own way- even physically. I have so many great attributes that I could brag about, but I find myself in a viscous circle of looking at myself in the mirror and criticizing my very being- even down into the deepest parts of my soul. I see pictures of myself and either decided that it is the best photo ever taken or needs to burn in hell. There is no grey area, no in between. I just want some footing on the middle ground. Is balance asking for too much?

A thousand eyes will smolder with jealousy
As you are just flying past

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