To live is to... drink good wine.

This is my bucket list.  Those completed are either highlighted in orange or have a link for a more detailed account.

Things to do before I die-
1. Become fluent in another language- put to practice in foreign country
2. Bury a time capsule
3. Skydive
4. Bungee jump
5. Scuba dive with sharks/sea creatures
6. Learn to sail, kayak
7. Canoe the entire Mississippi river
8. Hike the entire Appalachian trail
9. El Camino de Santiago
10. Visit all 7 continents
a. Europe
b. North America

11. Visit all possible world wonders (
a. The Colosseum
b. The Leaning Tower of Pisa
c. The Grand Canyon
d. The Empire State Building
e. The Hoover Dam
f. The Statue of Liberty
g. The Aztec Temple

12. Build a house sustainably
13. Buy a round for an entire bar full of people
14. Sell items made by me (jewelry, clothing, painting, etc.)
15. Write an erotic novel, have it published
16. Write and illustrate a kids book, have it published
17. Start a non-profit
18. Do a cartwheel/ hand stand
19. Learn to break dance, African dance, belly dance, etc.
20. Graduate college
21. Lose 100lbs
22. See the night sky in death valley
23. See the night sky in the middle of the ocean
24. Become a mid wife
25. Rebuild a car engine
26. Bicycle across the USA
27. Travel by train
28. Meet and take a picture with a celebrity and/or a president
29. Visit all 50 US states
a)Tennessee b) Arkansas c) Alabama d) Mississippi e) Arizona f) Georgia g) Missouri h) Colorado i) Washington j) California k) New Jersey l) New York m) Massachusetts n) Ohio o) Pennsylvania p) D.C q) Minnesota r) Wisconsin s) Iowa t) Nebraska u) Wyoming v) Idaho w) Oregon

30. Learn to brew beer
31. Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
32. Get a tattoo
33. Dance in the Prescott College drag show
34. Perform a monologue on stage in front of a live audience
35. Plant a tree
36. Catch, gut, cook, and eat a fish
37. Kiss a stranger
38. Fall in love
39. Have a baby
40. Send a message in a bottle
41. Live a year without electricity
42. Learn to rock climb
43. Hike/climb to the very top of Thumb Butte in Prescott, AZ
44. Take a picture on the bull outside of the hospital in Prescott, AZ
45. Explore Africa
46. See the palace of the last Tzar in St. Petersburg, Russia
47. Join the Peace Corps.
48. Learn to play an instrument
49. Spend time with “No More Deaths”
50. Pay for a stranger’s groceries
51. Apply for knighthood
52. Paint a mural in a public place
53. Complete a marathon
54. Learn how to surf
55. Visit 100 countries
a. Mexico
b. Italy
c. Canada

56. Go in the white house
57. Run for office somewhere at some level
58. Get a graduate degree in something different than Education
59. Take the LSATs
60. Build a house with Habitat for Humanity
61. Leave the USA for two consecutive years
62. Read the Bible, Qur’an, Torah, and other holy books
63. Moon someone
64. Write a screenplay, send it to major film companies
65. Become an EMT
66. Tour the Vatican- try to get into the secret archives
67. Go to the opera
68. Learn to snowboard/ski
69. Participate
70. Explore the rain forest
71. Go to a rave
72. Try out for a reality/game show
73. Teach 3rd grade
74. Find my 3rd grade teacher and thank her
75. Maintain a garden
76. Play blackjack in a casino
77. Tour the Hoover Dam
78. Ride a mechanical bull
79. Climb a tree
80. Build a tree house
81. Spend a week naked- beach, hammocks, and booze preferably involved
82. Shoot a gun
83. Drive a motorcycle
84. Work at JLOW for 10 years
a. 2004
b. 2005
c. 2006
d. 2007
e. 2008
f. 2009
g. 2010
h. 2011

i. 2012

85. Own high heels-wear occasionally
86. Make a t-shirt quilt
87. Write a letter to someone on death row
88. Paint a self portrait
89. See a Notre Dame football game live
90. Spend time in an igloo
91. Work to legalize gay marriage
92. Complete a high ropes course
93. Live in a commune/yurt
94. Start a café
95. Shave my head bald
96. See whales swimming their natural environment (attempted... but I vomited the whole time and there were no whales... only damn dolphins!)
97. Fly a kite in Tom Lee Park
98. Study at the School of Puebla
99. Hit a baseball

And 100 is to not live by this list alone- take opportunity’s hand and run.

Continued (100+):
Bowl a game over 100.
Be a community organizer- make a difference.

Breathe fire.
Be bailed out of jail.
Complete a 5K.
Take myself by surprise.
See a live rodeo.
Walk barefoot/dance in the rain.

NOLS- Patagonia?
Go to Memphis in May
Visit Folsom Prison
Raft the Ocoee again
Visit Disneyland/world
Forgive an enemy
Skinny dip

See Mt. Rushmore
See Yellowstone/ole Faithful

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