2nd post in one day- it must be good!

So for one of my assignments in Expeditionary Learning we have to write a letter to our state's representatives in response to Arizona's major budget cuts to educational funding. They are considering cutting approximately 900 MILLION dollars from state funding. For Prescott alone this could result in one school's closing, 40% forced reduction in staff, a possibility of have students only attend 4 days a week, and a rise of up to 45 students per class.

Here is my letter:

March 4th, 2009
To whom it may concern:
First, I would like to introduce myself. I am a second year student and Education major at Prescott College in Prescott, AZ. I am currently on the teacher certification track. This means that in approximately two years I will be entering the field of education hoping to inspire, learn from, and lead the future of our country. However, I find the current plans to cut out funding from our state’s education budget very worrisome.
Arizona is in a financial crisis, and something has to be done, but please do not support this unfair, harsh slaughter of our state’s education budget. Other options must not only be considered but implemented.
Education is not a luxury exclusively for the wealthy, privileged, or lucky. Don’t make Arizona a state where young children are poorly educated and higher education is merely an option for the affluent. Education goes hand in hand with our state’s revenue: we need a well-educated workforce to attract and keep thriving businesses. In reality, cuts to our educational budget will do more harm to the economy. Above all, don’t balance the budget on the backs of the defenseless children of Arizona. Why would our state government, which has an obligation to fund education, take such a short-sighted, detrimental solution to this economic crisis?
Further, I beg of you to consider your own position of power today. Where would you be if you had not had inspiring teachers, comprehensive textbooks, and enriching curriculum? Where will Arizona be in ten years if you take these things away from our students? Where will America be? Where will your children and grandchildren be?
Aristotle is quoted as saying, “All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.”
What is our fate if we continue down this road? There is nothing to be gained and much to be lost.

Emma Gifford
RDP student at Prescott College
Prescott, AZ

March 4 Schools rally in Phoenix. Approximately 2500 people showed up! Awesome!

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