A few random things (in mostly no particular order) to sum up my Spring Break:

· Antibiotics
· $165 doctor's bill- "terminated insurance"
· Your dad has pneumonia with an irregular heart beat and is the hospital, b-u-t never mind that, how are you?
· 98767898MPH phone conversations
· No call despite two messages and the fact I'm sick
· The continued wonder if you care at all
· Ant annihilation
· "Defiance"- inspiring, thought provoking and beautiful
· "Last Chance Harvey"
· "Watchmen"
· "Push"- Chris Evans is sexy as hell, and that brings us to

When you're done drooling, we'll continue...

· "Flower" by Liz Phair- giggle, giggle, BJQ

· Planned Parenthood and discussing if you have to be a virgin or just not currently sexually active in order to be the recipient of "immaculate conception"
· My vote? Pure aka virgin
· Awkward glances and recognitions
· Giving myself time to draw again

And finally-
· Praying to God
· $1000+ speeding, insurance, cracked window ticket at 12 am
· Planned bitch-fest/ come-to-Jesus phone call
· More KEG house thoughts and conversations- there's so much we'll never understand and you'll never know
· The conclusion that cops are not bad- when YOU have the right attitude that is.
· "Good in Bed" and the thought that maybe "larger women" can be loved
· Starbucks adventures
· Inappropriate, public conversations
· Cute boys
· Book scans in order to procrastinate
· Giggle fest
· Determining that Mary had a God-provided (and thus very divine) orgasm in exchange for birthing Jesus
· Arnold Palmer= love
· Viscous and critical driving
· Two more "beach reads" awaiting me after my homework
· Dells walking, talking, hiking, and a wee bit of sweating
· STRAWBERRIES!! Yum, yum, in my tummy
· Prayers and good thoughts/vibes for Emerson
· And the inevitable trip to Tucson- I will write more about that later
Oh, life.

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