Defining, but never re-defining...


I am a an --- Adventurer. Anti-apathetic. Artist. Becoming independent. Bold. Brave. Child at heart. Compassionate. Creative. Dreamer. Extreme. Fierce Feminist. Feisty. Girl Scout. Headstrong. Hard worker. Hardcore. Justice seeker. Likes to shake her ass. Loud. Lover. No damsel in distress. Peacemaker. Perfectly imperfect. Playful Prankster. Plays in the rain. Procrastinator- of tomorrow. Protector. Over-analyzer. Ready to fly. Round. Sensational. Sensitive. Something to be. Spunky. Tenacious. Tendency to be over dramatic. Thinker. Tree hugger. Truth quester. World journeyer.Open to everything, attached to nothing. I am woman,
hear me roar.

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